
U.S. Patent No. 7,690,997: Virtual environment with formalized inter-character relationships
Issued April 6, 2010, to Leviathan Entertainment, LLC


The ‘997 patent provides for a virtual environment where a user is able to interact with other people in the digital world. The user can request to enter into a formalized relationship with another player. The user then has a set of appropriate actions that can be taken in relation to the other player. If the user acts inconsistently with these approved actions, the relationship between the two players is terminated. The patent seeks to create a massive multi player online game (MMOG) that is fun and enjoyable for players even though no clear winner or loser is ever established.


Virtual environments in which multiple characters are allowed to form relationships wherein the relationships may provide various benefits as well as obligations are described. Systems and methods for forming, monitoring, and terminating the relationships are also described.

Illustrative Claim:

1. A method performed by a computer, the method comprising: providing, by a Video Game Central Server, a virtual environment accessible by a plurality of players, wherein the players are able to interact with the virtual environment and each other via characters; receiving, by the Video Game Central Server, a request from a first player character to enter into a formalized relationship with a second character; determining, by the Video Game Central Server, if the first player character is qualified to enter into a formalized relationship with a second character; creating, by the Video Game Central Server, the formalized relationship between the first player character and the second character; monitoring, by the Video Game Central Server, the actions of the first player character in the virtual environment; determining, by the Video Game Central Server, if an action taken by the first player character is inconsistent with the formalized relationship created between the first player character and the second character; automatically terminating, by the Video Game Central Server, the formalized relationship if an action taken by the first player character is inconsistent with the formalized relationship.

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