Gamasutra has just posted a new article by attorney Preeti Khanolkar regarding drafting a social media handbook policy for developers. The article covers federal labor law, potential conflicts, FTC endorsement guidelines, and provides many do's and don'ts:
Read the full article here.
So, you are an indie game developer getting close to releasing your first game. Or maybe you are a large company that is ready to launch your next triple-A title. Perhaps your employees have already started talking about your games on Facebook, Twitter, or on their personal blogs. And maybe you are starting to wonder if your employees' online actions can impact your game's success.
Now you are thinking about whether you should revise (or have?) a social media handbook policy. In the game industry, most employees are very tech savvy, so you want to have some sort of policy regulating their social media usage, right? If so, read on for guidance on how to draft your policy with federal labor law and the Federal Trade Commission's guidelines in mind....
Read the full article here.